the builder

the story


FedEx Truck Anyone?


I was tooling down the greenway, so happy to be heading home on a beautiful Friday afternoon. I paused at the top of the exit onto Bryant to let the FedEx truck pass. I rolled up to the light at Lake Street and put my foot down at the intersection, in front of the FedEx truck. As I stood there, I could sense the FedEx truck inching forward. A calm "Nice bike" came from the interior of the Fed Ex truck. As I looked in through the truck door, the driver asked "Is it lugged?"
"Yes" I replied, "steel with a carbon fork."
"It is really nice" he replied.
"Curt Goodrich is a local builder" I said.
"Yeah, he used to build for Rivendell" Fed Ex guy said. After a pause he continued "Does it cost as much as a motorcycle?"
"Want to trade for a FedEx truck?"
